Friday, January 16, 2009

Still Here

So the verdict is out on my foot - its not broken! Yay, no more post-operative boot!! However, I still have a slight bunion and some arthritis. The podiatrist said my joints were just "messy." Great. Let me take a moment to add them to my pre-existing conditions...chronic migraines, scoliosis, plantar fasciitis... I think I'm falling apart! I think I should let my body know that I'm only 21, it doesn't need to break down on me quite yet.

On the flip side of things, class is back in session and it's looking better than fall. My schedule is much less intense and that means I have more time to see my friends. A short lived joy it will be of course, because I was recently informed that I have to find my summer internship like NOW in order to find a good one. EEEEKKK talk about pressure. I'm suddenly super scared, and this job won't even be paying me! Oh well, Birthday Month is coming up in a matter of weeks and then shortly followed by Spring Break and I'm very much looking forward to that!. I better live it up before I become the busy-body I was last year. Ick.

I'll do my best, I promise.

Trying, as always
Tiney Weenie

1 comment:

momofkrit said...

Hey...have you read, THE HEADACHE BOOK? It is really good. I have terrible migraines too and this book has helped me figure out my triggers and what to avoid and when. Glad your foot isn't broken!