Fists were up, I was ready to fight.
Corner number 1 - The almighty Tiney, sticking up for all that is right and good in this world, and Publix of course.
Corner number 2 - crazy, insane department manager. With some ally help from the asst. department manager.
Match 1: Loss Prevention. So the Loss Prevention specialist from Corporate came into today to inspect our store to make sure everything was running smoothly. No biggie, as long as the drawers are locked, money is secure, etc. Being the A/C, she asked me for a few favors, one of them being to circle any inactive associates off a list of names. Sure, no big deal. So I circled any transferred/resigned associates off the order gun and cashier number list. In walks crazy, insane department manager, inquiring about my encounter with the Loss Prevention lady.
"Oh, she just wanted me to circle the inactive associates off some lists."
-"The cashier list?"
-"Who did you find, how many?"
"Well, I mean about 7 or so associates like ...(listing associates),"
-"I really wish you had not done that. I told her those lists were fine"
"Those associates haven't worked here in months and she asked me to do it. What was I supposed to do, tell her no -or lie?"
...getting huffy at this point...-"Whatever it's fine now I guess."
Place B-word adjective here.
Main Event: The Cabinet Crusade. It has been recently brought to my attention that my uniform cabinet blocks the mini door window in my office, thus blocking the view of my desk from the outside. My b, didn't think about that when feng shui-ing my office. So I started keeping the door open when I was working at my desk. Simple solution, no shopping, $$, or moving involved. Not good enough apparantly - it still has to go. Talked to the store manager, he says the cabinet can stay it's no big deal. Second simple solution? Not so much. This is where the crazed tantrum takes place full of slammed keyboards, awkward bystanders, and a lot of yelling. No exaggerations, she must have learned it from her grandkids. Place C-word adjective here, we've graduated the vulgar language to the next level. 15 minutes go by and I'm staring at the ceiling, maintaining my cool and pseudo listening as I've heard most of it before. Seriously, where do you get your info from, Staff Gossip Weekly? Thankfully the store manager comes in at the perfect time and, in so many words, says Tiney's doing fine, you're being crazy, let's all be friends.
And Tiney is the winner! With ally support from her store manager, of course.
A few awkward hours go by as I still have more of my shift left, and quite a few apologies fly my way for the "blow up" that occured earlier.
Fine, I'll take your fake apology with a fake acceptence. We can pretend that everything is better now and it's all smiles, cupcakes, and sunshine.
I'm sorry but, in reality you're psychotic.
Continuing to try,
P.S. I was so consumed with the mess earlier I didn't get to enjoy the upside of my day. The kids from the YMCA wrote me thank you cards for the tour I gave them about a month ago. Needless to say they are now hanging in my office, at least to remind me that some people still appreciate me : ) I'm sorry to those who said it was a waste of payroll - transfer the time accordingly.

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