Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Second Guessing Myself

It's now day 3 of the adventures of Tiney and Ringo, and it's only getting pseudo better, I neglect to inform.

Yesterday I woke up optimistic and determined. I was going to drive this dang car, and drive it well!! The voyage to work went pretty well, no stalling but the ride was a bit rough. My shifting could use some work, not gonna lie.

I scooted out of Publix around 7 and decided I needed some serious bonding time with Ringo in order to get acclimated with this whole clutch/gas/shift idea. So I call BFF JRY up.

T: "You sleeping yet?" (it's only 8p)
JRY: "No! I just got back from zumba. What's up?"
T: "We need to drive."
JRY: "MMmm Frosty's are in order."

Off to Green Cove I go, pick up JRY, and we're off.

Approaching intersection at Lake Asbury Elementary. Red Light. First gear. FAILURE. Start up, try again. FAILURE.

There we were, stuck in the middle of an intersection!! My worst fear :/ It took 3 tries to get me out of that intersection. Guh, no bueno.

Wendy's was at least successful. Frosty's are my favorite.

I tried to gain my confidence back for the ride home. I was doing great until I hit Oakleaf. I was 10 minutes from my house and I just bombed the whole thing. Stall outs, jamming gears, bucking car. Whew, emotional Tiney.

Needless to say, my big brother stepped in and helped. Not only did he give me his car to drive to UNF today (thank you!) but he's taking me out for more lessons today. Clearly I need it.

A driving, emotional, basket case,
The Tiney Weenie

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