Monday, March 2, 2009

What Are You?

Consumerism was the topic on the plate today. And what a hot one it was.

The issue was branding and exactly how much control advertisers have on our everyday lives. If you ask someone "Does advertising control you?" They would probably say "No." But, after having a heated discussion with Jymez about the difference between Heinz ketchup and store brand, I realized how important brands are to people, whether they know it or not.

A fellow student of mine is a bartender, and she admitted that once while working, the keg for Miller light was empty and she served Bud light as it's temporary substitute. She claimed her customers didn't notice. I bet an avid Miller light fan would. But would the average person? If you didn't drink beer all the time, didn't have a preference, and ordered one and got the other, would you know?

I've always been a fan of brands and how they accent someone's personality. Matt with the White Hat was very annoyed when we first met me because of my incessant questions. "Starburst or Skittles?" I mean, I find those things important.

After taking a moment to think about it, look around me, and jot down in order what I saw, I made myself into a "brand."

I am a(n)....
Apple Mac
Victoria's Secret
Ford Focus
Bare Minerals
Yankee Candle
Blue Moon, Bud Light,
Shocktop , Sam Adams,
(the list is more avid for beer)

and those are just a few. The big question on the table is did I choose the brands or did the brands choose me?

The VALS Survey is a free survey you can take to find out your consumer personality. Take it and find out how accurate it is. I am an Experiencer/Innovator. What are you?

We're all consumers; it's not a bad thing. Embrace it-responsibly of course!

Today's Experincer/Innovator
The Tiney Weenie

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